Velacur is an ultrasound imaging tool that physicians use to measure liver stiffness and attenuation, the two leading indicators of fatty liver disease.
The Velacur procedure is painless, non-invasive and can be performed in 10 minutes, with results that can be reviewed immediately.
How do I get a liver assessment?
If you are experiencing symptoms including fatigue, unexplained weight loss, nausea, and abdominal pain or have a high risk of fatty liver disease, speak to your doctor about getting a liver exam.
How to prepare for your Velacur exam
1. Wear comfortable clothes
Wear clothes that can provide easy access to the right side of your rib cage, such as a shirt that can be pulled up. This will make it easy for the operator to perform the exam.
2. Fast for at least 4 hours
To optimize the accuracy of the examination, we recommend fasting for a minimum of 4 hours before your scheduled appointment.